“The film illustrates that when we address the emotions hidden deep inside,
we are able to eradicate many chronic pains that historically have been
treated by expensive surgeries which in the end have offered questionable relief.
In this day and age, where we have seen an epidemic rise in the use
and abuse of opioids oftentimes leading to heroin addiction,
it is more important than ever that people see this film.”
– Cynthia Baum-Baicker, Ph.D.
Board Chair, Thomas Scattergood Foundation for Behavioral Health
Past-President APA, Division of Psychoanalysis, Couples and Family Therapy


All The Rage has been hailed by educators, therapists, doctors, and a wide range of mind body-focused scientists and practitioners for its insight into the mind body connection. Universities and Institutions can acquire the film to screen for libraries, classrooms and events for up to 5 years.
Generate a purchase order by emailing
rage@rumur.com with billing info.

Using a first-person approach to explore the work of renowned physician Dr. John Sarno and his radical methods to treating back pain, ALL THE RAGE examines the connection between emotions and health. Through interviews with Sarno, esteemed patients, and experts, the film offers a profound rethink of how we approach our health care. On June 22, 2017 Dr. Sarno passed away – one day before his 94th birthday. A beautiful obituary in the New York Times recounted his legendary life and profound contributions to science.
“Your film is unforgettable and will have a major impact on the future of medicine. I have dealt with this type of illness many times and can only say you are onto something. Indeed, classical medicine is not prepared to look at the patient in a holistic manner yet. Your explanation for why that is hits the mark. You are correct, the current paradigm is in flux. It is not that the previous scientific paradigm is incorrect, but that, as Kuhn so well put it, it is ‘incommensurable’ with the new paradigm that views disease in a holistic model and needs different scientific tools to measure it.”
– Richard Low MD, Praxis Electronic Medical Records
“All The Rage memorably documents how one man found relief of his disabling chronic pain by searching for and finding the root causes in his emotions. Along the way we see that he is not alone in this experience and that scientific research validates his treatment. Mr Galinsky is a worthy representative of the more than 7000 similar patients I have treated during the last three decades and his film will be a revelation to nearly everyone who sees it.”
“I just finished watching All the Rage and wanted to tell you how powerful and moving it is. As an eating disorder therapist who helps people translate their disorder into the language of emotions, I can relate. As a human with back problems, I can personally relate.”
– Mary Anne Cohen, LCSW, BCD, Director, The New York Center for Eating Disorders
“I LOVE LOVE LOVE the documentary. I have one patient whose life has been dramatically changed as a result of Sarno’s theory and psychotherapy.”
– Linda McEvatt, LCSW
“This is a very powerful and compelling film.”
– Leila Bremer, Psy.D.

• Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain according to the Institute of Medicine, more than the number affected by cancer, diabetes and heart disease – combined.
• The World Health Organization estimates that 1 out of 5 people suffer worldwide.
• The total cost of treating chronic pain is approaching $1 trillion dollars.
• Dr. Sarno’s books have been translated into 26 languages worldwide,
have sold millions of copies, with Healing Back Pain ranking as #1 in Pain Management.
“A mind opening doc about Healing Pain. [All The Rage] offers immediate solutions to the seemingly inexplicable pain epidemic.
A Must-See Documentary.”
— Alex Arabian, Film Inquiry
“All the Rage is a documentary that blew me away. I think it’s an important and significant contribution to the world and to people who daily suffer needless pain and who are often led astray by the established, status quo medical community – in spite of their well-intentioned sincere efforts. It’s an amazing film.”
— Tim Sika, KGO Radio
“On the surface, All the Rage is a story about chronic pain and a doctor’s quest to help people get rid of it.
But it’s really about the stories people tell themselves about themselves, despite the facts that are right in front of their faces.”
— Missoula News
“Dr. Sarno [is] a convincing speaker. While this documentary leaves you wanting to know more about his beliefs, the introduction alone is valuable enough.”
— Ken Jaworoski, New York Times
“A must-see film for people struggling with chronic pain of any kind.”
– Matthew Rozsa, Salon

While practicing at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation at NYU medical center, Dr. John Sarno came to understand the problem and predicted the epidemic of chronic pain beginning in the 1970′s. When Dr. Sarno compared his patients’ charts, he found that more than 80% of them had a history of at least two other psychosomatic illnesses like ulcers, migraines, eczema, or colitis. He postulated that the stresses of life might be causing the pain. When he talked to his patients further, he found that most of them were perfectionists who put themselves under unreasonable amounts of unconscious pressure to be perfect and good.
When Dr. Sarno suggested his patients make the connection between their emotions – including their tendency to put themselves under extreme pressure – and their pain, they rapidly improved. His visionary insights revealed that the unconscious mind was activating the autonomic nervous system, and that the repression of unconscious rage was a major contributor to pain. Over the course of his 50+ years in practice, he developed and adapted his treatment program into four bestselling books, which have been translated into over 30 languages.
He changed shock jock Howard Stern’s life. Veteran Senator Tom Harkin was inspired to campaign for his cause, and he gave comedian Larry David “the closest thing to a religious experience” he’s ever had. Dr. John Sarno’s bestselling book “Healing Back Pain” was first published in the 1980’s, and when co-director Michael Galinsky’s father read it he was cured of chronic whiplash. The book – which connects pain with emotions rather than structural causes – put Sarno at blunt odds with the medical system, which shunned his unorthodox approach. Many years later, when Michael was immobilized by excruciating back pain, he met with Dr. Sarno and was put on the mend. Thus began a 12-year odyssey to chronicle his personal journey of healing with the story of Dr. Sarno and his work.This artful and personal film, “All The Rage,” braids Galinsky’s universal story of pain and emotion together with the story of Dr. Sarno’s work, connecting the audience to both the issues and the emotions at play. Featuring interviews with Howard Stern, Larry David, reporter John Stossel, Dr. Andrew Weil, Senators Bernie Sanders and Tom Harkin, and other luminaries, ALL THE RAGE offers a profound rethink of our health care.